Dairy free | Gluten free | Refined sugar free | Preservative free
Serves: 4
Prep: 20 min + 1hr for the jam to set
Cook Time: 25 min
Recipe by: @laura_scherian
So, everyone loves bread and butter pudding. Here is an old school recipe with a twist and a few adjustments to make it suitable for specific dietary needs. A perfect dessert for a cold winter’s night or even a weekend breakfast treat!
RASPBERRY CHIA JAM (Or substitute for regular jam)
(makes ½ cup)
- 1 cup frozen raspberries
- 1 Tbsp. Own organic maple syrup
- 2 Tbsp. Own organic chia seeds
- 1/3 cup water
- 1 Tbsp. Own organic coconut oil
- 6 slices of Gluten Freedom broken black rice & polenta sourdough
- 3 Tbsp. Own cashew butter or dairy free spread
- ½ cup of raspberry jam
- 3 eggs
- 1 cup almond milk (Or any other milk)
- ½ cup Global Organics coconut cream
- 4 Tbsp. Own organic coconut sugar
- ½ cup Own organic sultanas
- First make Chia Jam. Combine raspberries, maple syrup and water in saucepan. Bring to a simmer, stirring regularly for about 10 minutes or until liquid has reduced by about half. Remove from heat and stir in chia seeds. Place in a glass container and refrigerate for approximately 1 hour.
- Now it is time to make the pudding. Preheat oven to 1800C, grease a shallow baking dish with coconut oil.
- Spread cashew butter and Jam onto bread, then cut diagonally into halves. Layer pieces of bread with Jam side up, in two lines and slightly overlapping.
- Whisk or blend together eggs, milk, coconut cream and 3 Tbsp. coconut sugar. Pour mixture over bread, move the bread around a little to make sure it soaks up the mixture.
- Finally, scatter sultanas and remaining coconut sugar on top. Bake in the oven for 20-30min or until pudding mixture is set and top is slightly brown. Serve with COYO or your favourite dairy free ice-cream.
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