Due to the huge success of the first Love Your Gut Workshop hosted by Gutsy Mums will see a follow up workshop at Fresh Holistic Health on August 27.
This interactive workshop will empower you with knowledge and invaluable information that will leave you with practical, step by step solutions for restoring your gut and taking your health to new levels.
1. The what and why of gut health
2. The gut-brain connection
3. The gut-skin connection
4. How gut bacteria is established and why it is CRUCIAL to your health
5. What is detrimental to gut health
6. Leaky gut & autoimmunity
7. Dealing with parasites
8. How to restore your gut health, plus heaps more!
~ an overview of gut health and how to restore it
~ presentation notes
~ resources and tools for going forward
~ recipes
~ 10% discount on Gutsy Mum’s coaching packages and online ’90 Day Total Gut Transformation Program’ (COMING SOON!)
WHEN: Saturday 27th of August
WHERE: Fresh Holistic Health Centre, Forest Glen, Sunshine Coast
TIME: 1-4pm (please arrive 12.45pm for check in)
COST: $40 standard ticket or 25% discount ($30) for Fresh Holistic Health Centre and Kunara Organic Marketplace customers – please enquire within for discount code.
For more information please contact Kirsty on 0477 27 27 27.
“I have worked with many doctors and they were helpful but your session was very practical and real. Great to hear from someone who can explain issues in everyday terms and put all the jigsaw together!”
“Fabulous information today and some aha moments for sure! I have hope that I can change bad habits and enjoy good health again with a little tweaking. Thank you.”
“Thank you so very much. I’ve left totally inspired and motivated to take action! Today was truly awesome and I look forward to more.”
“Fabulous workshop, I took so much away from it. Look forward to putting it into practice. Many thanks”
After years of making ignorant food and lifestyle choices at the age of 32 I became extremely unwell. My symptoms ranged from severe IBS to skin issues, extreme fatigue and infertility. Out of desperation I saw numerous doctors, naturopaths, nutritionists and other professionals only to be left more confused and led down empty pathways. Finally in 2013 I decided to take my health back into my own hands and began turning my life around. At the age of 35, having come out the other end, I passionately created Gutsy Mums as a place to educate women and mums about the importance of gut health. I am a researching queen, alternative thinker, advocate for wholefood living and studying to become a Certified Health Coach by the end of 2016.
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