What is magnesium? How does it work in the body? Why is it so important? These are all important questions to ask. Whether your eyes twitch when you’re tired or you experience painful period cramps, there are many symptoms that may indicate low magnesium levels. Fortunately, plenty of foods and high-quality supplements can help get magnesium levels back to a healthy level.
What is magnesium?
Magnesium is an essential mineral used in almost every cell in the body. It allows our body to perform vital functions every day, including maintaining muscle and heart health, and sleeping. Magnesium is found in both plant and animal-based foods. But there are some signs that you may not be getting enough magnesium in your diet, including the following:
- Muscle spasms/weakness
Twitching eyelids, leg cramps at night and painful period cramps may be signs that you need more magnesium. While most magnesium is stored in bones, a large amount is stored in muscles. Getting enough magnesium may help muscles function optimally and avoid painful cramps. Ancient Minerals have a high-quality range of magnesium products to help soothe and relax muscles. Try their most concentrated source – the Magnesium Oil – massaged into areas needing attention.
- Skin Conditions
Unpleasant skin conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis may benefit from bathing in magnesium, such as Ancient Minerals’ Magnesium Bath Flakes. It’s suitable for both adults and kids and many people find magnesium flakes are more gentle on sensitive skin.
- Chocolate cravings
Craving for chocolate may be a sign your body needs more magnesium. Dark chocolate rich in cocoa is a good source of magnesium. Try a teaspoon of Loving Earth Raw Organic Dark Drinking Chocolate mixed in with your favourite milk or milk alternative to help satisfy chocolate cravings and resist the temptation of sugar-laden chocolate that can aggravate cravings further.
- Stress and/or Anxiety
Magnesium may help the body full relax. The effects of stress and anxiety can be felt throughout the whole body and lead to a range of unpleasant physical and mental symptoms. Our qualified Naturopaths in-store are available to offer free health advice and guidance, including practitioner-only dispensed products such as Diasporal Magnesium. As a pure magnesium powder, it’s absorbed quickly which may assist manage symptoms of stress and anxiety.
- Constipation
Magnesium may assist draw water into bowel to help achieve cleansing and detoxing; which is particularly helpful if you’re experiencing constipation. Try Thompson’s Organic Magnesium tablets, which are free from gluten, dairy, soy, wheat and yeast to be extra sensitive on the bowel.
Before taking magnesium, speak with your healthcare professional and as always speak with our in-store qualified Naturopaths for complimentary advice.
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